This possum made its way into the back yard last weekend. He was making his way for the shelter under our deck. An evergreen branch later - he was moving out toward greener pastures hobbling under the fence!
Welcome to ThiboBLOG! our initial family adventure into the great, vast wasteland known as the blogosphere. We'll be sharing family news, photos and other fun stuff.
We welcome all postings and look forward to hearing from y'all. Not much time to ramble on now though. I have to get the billing out or there won't be much under the old Christmas tree!
A quick word on the URL before the questions start pouring in! People always ask if I am from Louisiana and I seem to disappoint many when I mention I'm from Chitown. No disrespect to Chitown I am sure. In a weak attempt at stemming that disappointment - this url ( is for you!