Monday, September 15, 2008


Luke's daycare teacher could hardly wait to tell me what she caught him doing very fun and energetic but always good-natured, easy-going and really sweet baby boy was seen *pushing* another baby down, not once but twice. And then, he apparently walked away and acted like it never happened, leaving his friends crying on the floor!! As if that wasn't enough of a shock, she later saw him *hitting* another baby on top of the head with a toy! Who is this little troublemaker? she wondered, laughing hard. No big surprise there, I told her...he's Abby's little brother.

On the way home this afternoon, I relayed to Abby what Luke's teacher had told me, then asked where she thought he might have learned that. A simple, "From me." At least she's honest.

In Abby's defense, she's not always attempting to inflict bodily harm. One night last month, I asked her what in the world all those blankets and pillows were doing at the top of the stairs. She stood up and got all excited and proud as she stuttered out her idea for keeping Luke safe from falling down the stairs :) The gate went up a couple weeks later.


dewkaw said...

The apple doesn't fall from the tree! This sounds an awful lot like another pair of siblings I knew. In their story the older brother got the younger sister to do all sorts of things. A icy metal fence post comes to mind. Hmmm.

lynnrae said...

hmmm...that's right. it's all coming back now (as IF i'd forgotten!). hopefully Luke won't be so naive. he's got one thing going for him...he'll be bigger than her in no time.

lynnrae said...
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